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Kees |
When plugging in on friday. I would like to skip leaving times in my schedule by default. For example, if I am off on Wednesdays, I would like to skip the leaving time on Wednesday and have Jedlix automatically assume Thursday morning as the leaving time, instead of having ot set this manually. This way I can benefit from lower energy prices as the day and 2 nights are taken into account by the optimisation.
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This is needed very much because now I am not being most cost and energy efficient, the reason I why I using Jedlix. Other solutions do offer this option.... It seems to obvious....
Ideally setting SoC should be optional for all weekdays, this way if you only need the car few days per week, the app would allow it instead of rushing the charge.
Merged with: Make all weekdays' SoC optionals
I'd like to be able to skip days in the schedule. Now I have to choose a departure time each day, but since I work from home partly, I have days in which I arrive late, but don't have to leave that following day.
Merged with: Schedule different days
Bij het beheren van de vertrek tijden moet je elke dag van de week een vertrektijd invullen. In het weekend heb ik geen vertrektijd, dus de auto mag het hele weekend op zonnestroom laden. Maar omdat je de zaterdag en zondag niet kan deselecteren, staat de auto op de zaterdagochtend ook te laden. Daar kom je nu niet onder uit .
Merged with: Vertrektijden in het weekend uitschalen
Ik return at home, thursday evening and have my fridays off, so, I could skip the have-to-leave time for the next days. Monday is nu first trip, again.
Merged with: Skip time-to-leave for next days
Would love to have a feature to not have a weekend departure. Since the prices are often lowest on Sunday afternoon.
Possibility to skip anyday, not only weekend. Eg only leaving time on Monday Tuesday and friday
Merged with: Optimize week schedule
Two options:
1. Seperate setting for every day of the week (like it is now) but add possibility to easy set a time for all the days at once. After that the user can only change the exceptions.
2. Choose for weekdays / weekend that just provide two time boxes.
I work from home most of the time. A calendar integration (subscribe) that looks into a google/iCal calendar for trips would be cool.
Indeed: on the schedule I would like to have the option to not leave certain day’s of the week.