Support for different price area's in Norway.(NO2-5)
08-03-2022 -
Newest / Oldest
Status changed to:
Dear Lars,
As of last weekend this feature is live.
If you have filled in your address, we now automatically retrieve your price area. Your vehicle will be charged using the dynamic prices based on your price area!
Hi Lars,
Thanks for the suggestion! We also noticed quite some deviation in the areas at the moment...
I have some good news, we are currently working on this.
The way this works is that based on your postal code we will fetch the corresponding price area and use the prices applicable for that area.
This way, you should not have to fill in anything new and practically won't notice anything of this change other than the car being charged at the lowest rates for your area.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Live
Dear Lars,
As of last weekend this feature is live.
If you have filled in your address, we now automatically retrieve your price area. Your vehicle will be charged using the dynamic prices based on your price area!
Thank you for your input.
Happy smart charging!
Cheers Bas
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Hi Lars,
Thanks for the suggestion! We also noticed quite some deviation in the areas at the moment...
I have some good news, we are currently working on this.
The way this works is that based on your postal code we will fetch the corresponding price area and use the prices applicable for that area.
This way, you should not have to fill in anything new and practically won't notice anything of this change other than the car being charged at the lowest rates for your area.
I'll let you know once this is live!
Cheers Nick
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Status changed to: Development in progress