I'm finding my planned charging via the Tesla app being interrupted. I can't rule out Jedlix as doing this. It would be great to be able to see via notification and also a history log
10-04-2022 -
Newest / Oldest
Why is my car loading at this specific moment (or why not). Explain what
is the logic behind the choices Jedlix makes.
Would indeed like to get a notification in the app when charging has been paused and why. Also get a notification when Jedlix tries to resume charging and why, but also if that succeeded.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Why is my car loading at this specific moment (or why not). Explain what
is the logic behind the choices Jedlix makes.
Merged with: Explain what is going on (what is the loadplanning and why)
A log of actions taken by jedlix would be nice
Would indeed like to get a notification in the app when charging has been paused and why. Also get a notification when Jedlix tries to resume charging and why, but also if that succeeded.