Push notification indicating when the tariff is low. This way a customer can connect his car to the charger to benefit from these cheap moments.
18-01-2022 -
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Receive push notification when dynamic tariffs are low
Een mogelijkheid om een push bericht te krijgen wanneer de tarieven laag of negatief gaan zijn voor mensen met een dynamisch tarief zodat zij hier optimaal gebruik van kunnen maken. Aangezien jedlix deze tarieven ook ziet aan het gekoppelde account.
An option to receive a push notification when the rates are low or negative for people with a dynamic rate so that they can make optimal use of it. Since Jedlix also sees these rates at the linked account.
I'm thinking of a function that informs me via push message that it would now be cheaper to charge the car if it is not connected to a charging station via a cable.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Merged with: Receive push notification when dynamic tariffs are low
Een mogelijkheid om een push bericht te krijgen wanneer de tarieven laag of negatief gaan zijn voor mensen met een dynamisch tarief zodat zij hier optimaal gebruik van kunnen maken. Aangezien jedlix deze tarieven ook ziet aan het gekoppelde account.
An option to receive a push notification when the rates are low or negative for people with a dynamic rate so that they can make optimal use of it. Since Jedlix also sees these rates at the linked account.
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the feedback.
Im not sure what feature you are asking here, can you help me out please?
I'm thinking of a function that informs me via push message that it would now be cheaper to charge the car if it is not connected to a charging station via a cable.
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
I like the idea and will put it on the backlog.
This might be interesting for dynamic rates especially.
Any ideas how you would like to finetune when these push notifications should be sent?
e.g. At a specific price level?
Thanks Nick
Up until now I was only thinking about the Smart Charging function because I don’t have a dynamic tarif at home.