Jochen |
Similar to the feature to only charge during off peak hours this proposed feature would only charge when the weather forecast says it is sunny. At the moment the car is charged to 100% before the departure time. This should be optional. Many users don't require to have a 100% charge each morning. Nice to have would be a minimal soc, for example 30%. So it is sure to have this soc when departing. Only in that case the car would charge from non solar production.
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When it is day time, cloudy or sunny, my solar panels give energy. As I have only one tariff, I would like my car only to charge from the sun as much as possible en send least kw back to the grid - as the energy company pays less and less for what I give.
So: add tariff : daytime. Then based on location take sunrise and sunset as the low tariff
Merged with: Add energy tariff: Daytime