I want to have the option to charge my car exclusively during my off-peak hours. This way, even when the car has not yet reached the desired state of charge, once the off-peak hours are over the car stops charging.
11-08-2021 -
Newest / Oldest
Status changed to:
Off-peak charging is now available in the app. Update to the newest version of the app in the Play and App Store (4.16.5) to see it. If you go to your tariffs in your location, you can enable to only charge during your off-peak. See the images below
Thank you for your votes and patients. We are looking into the implementation of off-peak charging only and wanted to ask you for your opinion.
There are 2 design ideas on where to implement the feature. Option 1, in the dashboard. Or option 2, in the tariff settings of a location. They both have advantages and disadvantages and was curious about what you would prefer.
Option 1: In the Dashboard
- Advantage = easy to switch on/off
- Disadvantage = when you forget to turn it off or on we will only charge during off-peak on all locations where we know your tariffs.
Option 2: In the location tariffs settings
- Advantage = you can set it up per location
- Disadvantage = Harder to change
So is this something you would like to set and forget per location? Or do you want to be able to change it often? Please let me know how you would use this function.
My opinion is that it is better that that is parameterized in the tariffs because otherwise that blocks if one has a charger at work and one risks not having battery the evening while leaving.
Option 2 pour moi. Pas besoin de le changer tous les jours une fois programmé. Et si on charge ailleurs au moins on ne se fait pas avoir. Car il y aura forcément un autre type d'abonnement ailleurs.
Option 2 for me because on the location settings we should have choice on :
- off peak hour only or
- off peak hour + solar energy or
- anytime when green energy available
This type of settings is related to the location and on the dashboard we still have the option to Boost when it’s necessary ( a warning should be asked if we want boost on the dashboard ;) )
Dashboard should stay simple (as currently ):
-normal charge level
-smart charge level
On the location configuration currently we can configure :
-tarrif type
-solar energy configuration (when available)
-grid balance (when available)
What is missing is the « algorithm preference » selection of « smart charging » ( from my point of view the current needs of this thread)
So better to put the choice on location parameter as I suggest ( as Product Owner it will allow you adding new Algorithm choice in the future )
So I suggest you to move the choice from « energy tariff » tab to « location » tab ( menu upper the energy one) to select the « charge algorithm preference » with following choice :
- off peak hour only ( for money saving users )
- off peak hour only + solar energy when available ( for money saving users + owner of solar panels to save more money and more green energy )
- full Jedlix right ( for users that don’t care of other choice )
- off peak + green energy available on the grid ( for money saving users + ecological one …)
- etc …..
Option 2 pour moi car le but de l'application est bien d'être en lien avec le fournisseur d'accès pour les heures creuses ou non et autoriser ou non la charge... On connaît tous ces éléments par rapport à notre habitation, ailleurs c'est plus compliqué a connaître. Donc c'est préférable que ce soit l'option 2 intégrée au lieu.
Option 2 for me because the purpose of the application is to be in contact with the access provider for off-peak hours or not and to authorize or not the charge... We know all these elements in relation to our home, elsewhere it is more complicated to know. So it's better to have option 2 built in instead.
Smart charging on low tariffs should also be made possible by sending time slots directly to the car, thereby making it possible to "semi-smart charge" in locations without a smart charger.
Or is this a feature already?
The 2020 Leaf doesn't do this at least.
I hope to release this feature sometime in the next 2 months. Unfortunately, we are a small team and have made some though decisions on priorities over the last couple of months, for example to support for more car brands so that more ev drivers can make use of the service. Luckily that's almost done so we can move on to deepening the value of the service for our existing users like yourself again.
Apologies for the long wait and thank you for your patience and support.
First of all, thanks a lot for your votes and participation!
This feature request is now in our development scope and soon will be available in our app. You only need to have a Double or a Triple rate tariff in order to use this feature. Here I am sharing some of the important steps.
In Settings/Energy tariff, you need to pick the Double or Triple rate, and below you will see the option of Off-peak charging. You can leave it as "Prioritize charging during off-peak", as this is what we normally do, or you can pick "Charge during off-peak only".
Now once the off-peak hours are over and your car still has not been reached yet to your desired battery level, we will warn you by showing a banner. To reach your desired battery level you then need to change your settings back to "Prioritize charging during off-peak". We will also show another warning if your car is not plugged in or smart charging is disabled and we see that off-peak rates are coming in so that you can save more money.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Live
Off-peak charging is now available in the app. Update to the newest version of the app in the Play and App Store (4.16.5) to see it. If you go to your tariffs in your location, you can enable to only charge during your off-peak. See the images below
Hi, can't wait either for this option. When should it be available?
I would LOVE this option. Please make it happen !
Hello, when will this feature be available? Is it so long to add a « stop charging » feature based on a specific hour?
Thank you
Status changed to: Development in progress
I'm agree with this option. it would be very useful !
Status changed to: Preparing
Dear everybody,
Thank you for your votes and patients. We are looking into the implementation of off-peak charging only and wanted to ask you for your opinion.
There are 2 design ideas on where to implement the feature. Option 1, in the dashboard. Or option 2, in the tariff settings of a location. They both have advantages and disadvantages and was curious about what you would prefer.
Option 1: In the Dashboard
- Advantage = easy to switch on/off
- Disadvantage = when you forget to turn it off or on we will only charge during off-peak on all locations where we know your tariffs.
Option 2: In the location tariffs settings
- Advantage = you can set it up per location
- Disadvantage = Harder to change
So is this something you would like to set and forget per location? Or do you want to be able to change it often? Please let me know how you would use this function.
All the best,
My opinion is that it is better that that is parameterized in the tariffs because otherwise that blocks if one has a charger at work and one risks not having battery the evening while leaving.
Option 2 pour moi. Pas besoin de le changer tous les jours une fois programmé. Et si on charge ailleurs au moins on ne se fait pas avoir. Car il y aura forcément un autre type d'abonnement ailleurs.
Option 2 for me
Option 2. For me, configuration per location is more important than quick switch on/off.
option 2 is the best
Option 1 pour moi, plus facile d'accès donc plus simple à désactiver ponctuellement si besoin
Option 2 for me because on the location settings we should have choice on :
- off peak hour only or
- off peak hour + solar energy or
- anytime when green energy available
This type of settings is related to the location and on the dashboard we still have the option to Boost when it’s necessary ( a warning should be asked if we want boost on the dashboard ;) )
To be more and more precise …
Dashboard should stay simple (as currently ):
-normal charge level
-smart charge level
On the location configuration currently we can configure :
-tarrif type
-solar energy configuration (when available)
-grid balance (when available)
What is missing is the « algorithm preference » selection of « smart charging » ( from my point of view the current needs of this thread)
So better to put the choice on location parameter as I suggest ( as Product Owner it will allow you adding new Algorithm choice in the future )
So I suggest you to move the choice from « energy tariff » tab to « location » tab ( menu upper the energy one) to select the « charge algorithm preference » with following choice :
- off peak hour only ( for money saving users )
- off peak hour only + solar energy when available ( for money saving users + owner of solar panels to save more money and more green energy )
- full Jedlix right ( for users that don’t care of other choice )
- off peak + green energy available on the grid ( for money saving users + ecological one …)
- etc …..
Hope this will help you :)
Option 2 pour moi car le but de l'application est bien d'être en lien avec le fournisseur d'accès pour les heures creuses ou non et autoriser ou non la charge... On connaît tous ces éléments par rapport à notre habitation, ailleurs c'est plus compliqué a connaître. Donc c'est préférable que ce soit l'option 2 intégrée au lieu.
Option 2 for me because the purpose of the application is to be in contact with the access provider for off-peak hours or not and to authorize or not the charge... We know all these elements in relation to our home, elsewhere it is more complicated to know. So it's better to have option 2 built in instead.
Option 2!
Smart charging on low tariffs should also be made possible by sending time slots directly to the car, thereby making it possible to "semi-smart charge" in locations without a smart charger.
Or is this a feature already?
The 2020 Leaf doesn't do this at least.
What's the status on this. Becomes more urgent with rising peak prices
About 4 months ago, they Said would take 2 months...
Oui super si cela est mis en place
Ma demande d’amélioration numéro 1!!!
My number one request!
When will this see its release? Development for over one year now??
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Hi Kevin,
I hope to release this feature sometime in the next 2 months. Unfortunately, we are a small team and have made some though decisions on priorities over the last couple of months, for example to support for more car brands so that more ev drivers can make use of the service. Luckily that's almost done so we can move on to deepening the value of the service for our existing users like yourself again.
Apologies for the long wait and thank you for your patience and support.
Is it possible to charge only in off-peak hours, even if the battery is not at 100% at the end?
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Merged with: Charge only in off-peak hours
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Original request:
Fin de charge programmé
Bonjour, est-il possible de chargé qu'en heure creuse, même si la batterie n'est pas à 100% a la fin.
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Status changed to: Planned
Would be most convinient!
Dear all,
First of all, thanks a lot for your votes and participation!
This feature request is now in our development scope and soon will be available in our app. You only need to have a Double or a Triple rate tariff in order to use this feature. Here I am sharing some of the important steps.
In Settings/Energy tariff, you need to pick the Double or Triple rate, and below you will see the option of Off-peak charging. You can leave it as "Prioritize charging during off-peak", as this is what we normally do, or you can pick "Charge during off-peak only".
Now once the off-peak hours are over and your car still has not been reached yet to your desired battery level, we will warn you by showing a banner. To reach your desired battery level you then need to change your settings back to "Prioritize charging during off-peak". We will also show another warning if your car is not plugged in or smart charging is disabled and we see that off-peak rates are coming in so that you can save more money.
All the best!
Perfect !
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Status changed to: Preparing