Minimum battery level for next departure


Instead of always full charge for next departure, it should be possible to tell which min. charge is needed. This would lead to higher flexibility for energy supplier.


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Merged with: Minimum" rather than "required" smart charging level



Permettra de déclarer un niveau minimal nécessaire a l'heure dite, si la recharge intelligente peut faire mieux tant mieux mais si le reseau est deja tres sollicité, ca suffit. Exemple : je suis a 20%, je declare que je souhaite avoir au moins 50?e charge demain matin, je branche dès retour a la maison. La calibration identifie qu'en 5h ca passe, il declenche sur un creux de charge et une fois qu'il est a 50, soit il est toujours en creux de charge et il continue a charher, soit il s'arrête... A votre disposition pour plus de précisions sur cela. Et merci pour cette super appli!!



With my Zappi charger I can tell the charger to charge at least xx kWh by a certain time. I can’t find this option in the Jedlix app, this feature request sounds like it would enable this. Doesn’t need to be in kWh, but if I’m leaving at a certain time, I’d want my car to be 80% charged by that time, for example.


Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)

Original title: Niveau de charge intelligente "minimal"plutôt que "requis"


Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)

Hi Gilles,

Thanks for sharing this with us!
im not sure If I follow your request so let me ask some questions to validate:

Would you like to set a minimum charge level, but more can be added if there is an opportunity for this?
If so, what would be the trigger to charge more?

Thanks again!




Hi Nick, exactly. The trigger would be the availability of energy. For example, if i plug my car at 8pm at 40% charge, and want to get at least 80% at 8am, and the charger can deliver 5%charge, i need to get 8h of charge but my car will be plugged during 10 hours. If the electricity network is available, jedlix begins to charge at 8pm perhaps the 80% will be raised at 6am. But if there is always no network pb, the charge could continue and at 8am, il will be at 90% charge. Is this understandable? (Sorry for my poor english!)



A setting for both min and max charge level and a set departure time for smart charging.


Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)

Status changed to: Planned