When dynamic tariffs are extremely low, sometimes near 0, I would like to charge more than the set SoC level, up to 100 %
12-10-2021 -
Newest / Oldest
Normally I charge up to 60% for daily use. But when fates are low or negative, I would like to charge up to 90% hemce having a cheaper buffer. For that a third ‘level’ would be required in the settings.
Very good! I was looking for this!
Last year i’m not traveling a lot. Now i’m on dynamic tarif. I wan’t to plug in the car, not setting a time to leave, but only want the below 15ct prices..
(when i do need the car i’ll change the schedule to leave next day..)
This would be nice indeed! There is no need for me as to charge up to desired percentage every day, I would like to be able to set a minimum charge % and if rates are below x price it can charge completely.
I like the idea of ‘Another Desired SoC’ and would personally set this to 95%.
I would not like to set the price threshold manually, but leave that to your algorithms.
Algorithm could be something like this: looking back 14 days (=336 hours), charge towards ‘Another Desired SoC’ if current price is within 1st percentile (among three lowest hours).
If you would like to do this even more advanced, the user could change these default values (14 days, 1st percentile).
Thanks again 😀
Activity Newest / Oldest
Normally I charge up to 60% for daily use. But when fates are low or negative, I would like to charge up to 90% hemce having a cheaper buffer. For that a third ‘level’ would be required in the settings.
Is there any progress on this?
I would like to add a third level, normally charge tot 60%, minimum 20% and charge to 95% just on solar or when it is really cheap
Merged with: Three levels of charging
Define a maximum tariff for charging. I don’t use my car very often and in this way i can almost charge for free
Merged with: Only charge when extreme low prices
Very good! I was looking for this!
Last year i’m not traveling a lot. Now i’m on dynamic tarif. I wan’t to plug in the car, not setting a time to leave, but only want the below 15ct prices..
(when i do need the car i’ll change the schedule to leave next day..)
This would be nice indeed! There is no need for me as to charge up to desired percentage every day, I would like to be able to set a minimum charge % and if rates are below x price it can charge completely.
Yes, please!!, so as we can see the price for next 24 hours ( frankenergy) i would like to select maximum price
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Great idea John! 💡
We are starting to develop some ideas on how to approach this and could definitely use your input!
Would you always like the battery to go up to 100%, or would you prefer to set another Desired State of charge.
I have attached an example of how this could look like in the application. Let me know what you think of it!
John Richard
Hi Nick,
I like the idea of ‘Another Desired SoC’ and would personally set this to 95%.
I would not like to set the price threshold manually, but leave that to your algorithms.
Algorithm could be something like this: looking back 14 days (=336 hours), charge towards ‘Another Desired SoC’ if current price is within 1st percentile (among three lowest hours).
If you would like to do this even more advanced, the user could change these default values (14 days, 1st percentile).
Thanks again 😀
Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)
Status changed to: Planned