Battery care: charge above 80% just before the departure time


I would like to have an option that charging from 80 to 100% is only just before the departure time to prevent that the battery is charged to 100% and not being used for a longer time.


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Charger a 60% au retour chez soi , cela évite d être en dessous de 50% (usure de la batterie )
Charger a 70 ou 80 % pour le départ du matin ...



Merged with: Charger en deux fois



For battery charging to 80% is the best. Advised is to charge above only when you drive shortly after.
Can there be a option (check box/selector) "battery care" which results in charging till 80% and starts charging above 80% in the last hour before the configured leave time.
A second check box could be "battery care, reset above 80" which resets the max value to 80% after the charging is done.



Merged with: Charge to 90% in last hour


Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)

Hi Dominique,

allow me to translate this for non-french users.

Original message:
Charger en deux fois
Charger a 60% au retour chez soi , cela évite d être en dessous de 50% (usure de la batterie )
Charger a 70 ou 80 % pour le départ du matin ...

Charging in two stages
Charge to 60% when returning home, this avoids being below 50% (battery wear)
Charge to 70 or 80 % for the morning departure

Can I ask you for some clarification?
When you set a desired level of charge at your departure time, our algorithms will determine when to charge your car best given the lowest electricity prices and availability of renewable energy.
Can you help me understand what you would like to change in the way this works?



Hi Nick, the way I understand Dominique request is the concern about battery aging and smart charging. Eg it is recommended for the type of batteries of my Tesla S 2018, not to be fully charged unless I drive immediately. So the scenario would be : I plan a trip and want to charge up to 95 or 100%. I plan to leave at 8 AM. The smart charging algorithm then, based the battery type of my car, includes another criteria: all the kW above 80% should be charged to the closest possible time of departure. Does it help? I would be very keen of such feature.

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