API call to enable/disable smart charging


Create a feature to enable and disable smart charging to integrate jedlix into domotica systems and allow yout pen logic for charging from pv output/overcapacity


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Nick (Head of Product Jedlix ⚡)

Hi Harko,

I like the idea of this open environment!

As we work together with energy suppliers to charge the cars during low (wholesale market) electricity prices, they would require is to pause/resume the charge proces.

Do you have a suggestion how can we do this without the domotica system overruling our intentions and therefore loose the control to pause/resume charging ourselves?

Thanks again for your contribution!



Well, I made this request as you can only make an estimate on solar production AND cannot set the charging rate yet. so the actual purpose is to overwrite your functionality and use local intelligence based on PV production, overcapacity, charging rate and prices. If sending electricity back to the grid in daytime generates more money than it would cost to charge at night it would obviously not charge. as soon as solar production drops to a minimum it would turn on the smart charging again.
But... preferrably you allow me to upload actual PV data AND set the charging rate than take over all logic :)

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This would be very helpful when “netting” (salderen in Dutch) is reduced in the Netherlands as well). So as much overcapacity to the car as possible as prices are lower than the Netting



This would also be useful in order to minimize the capacity tariff in Flanders. An API to pause charging when you risk going over a certain usage in a 15min window, and a call to resume when the window is over.