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When dynamic tariffs are extremely low, sometimes near 0, I would like to charge more than the set SoC level, up to 100 %
I would like to see the dynamic tariffs that jedlix uses to optimize the charge process with
I don't want to provide my username/password from Tesla account in order to use Jedlix, I'd rather provide a Tesla token I...
Create an API call to upload pv output/overcapacity data to jedlix to allow charging the car based on actual data instead of...
Since Jedlix knows my departure time, i would like to have the option to climatize the vehicle at the time of departure so that...
I god we trust ;-). Is it possible to have insight when Jedlix start charging or what charging scheme is? Now I go to bed, with...
A fast way to see the current charge and quick way to boost the charge stray from the home screen of the phone without opening...
When plugging in on friday. I would like to skip leaving times in my schedule by default. For example, if I am off on...
Add the possibility to enter the prices for blue white or red days and Jedlix could automatically knows the color of the day
The charge cycle always starts with calibration. Is it an idea To switch calibration From automatisch To a fixed value?